Bio3 Progressive Implant Placement in the Area of the First Premolar

A patient had the edentulous in the area of first premolar. The checkup showed the thick alveolar ridge. After considering such circumstance, it was decided to use Bio3 Progressive implants because it has an aggressive design and can be used in II, III and IV bone tissue types. In addition, such implants have 12° taper that provides connection with perfect fitting and tightness. The dental surgeon used several drills of different diameter for implant bed formation. Then he placed the implant and put stitches in a wound.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

A patient who was dissatisfied with aesthetic of denture reached out to Dr. Tayfun GÜNBAY. The patient had a partially absent of dentition. A previous dentist made the dental bridgeworks for this patient.  It was decider to remove these constrictions with natural teeth. It gave the opportunity to do full mouth reconstruction with immediate loading.

Immediate Implantation in an Aesthetically Significant Area with a Single-Stage Bone Grafting

A patient K., 37 years old, complained of an aesthetic defect of the anterior teeth crowns 1.1, 2.1, 2.2. The teeth had been treated endodontally many times before, but the patient said that the inflammation process used to be severe from time to time. The patient smokes up to 20 cigarettes a day. Three months ago, direct implantation to the tooth socket had taken place 1.2, in the postoperative period a stagnant wound process was observed, the wound borders expanded slightly, but it did not influence the implant integration.